Understanding through research. Action through understanding.
Research is integral to understanding the changing relationship business has with its information assets.
Research has been, and continues to be, an integral part of what we do. It has played an important role in creating our expert knowledge and designing the methodology we use today. It enables us to speak with authority and be thought leaders in Information Asset management. Our research takes a number of different forms:
University Collaboration
Experience Matters has partnered with the Universities of South Australia, Western Cape (South Africa), Lethbridge (Canada), South Carolina (USA) and Texas Woman’s (USA) to research the barriers to and benefits of managing information as a vital business asset. This ongoing global research has been conducted with organisations that include Boeing, the City of Cape Town, National Australia Bank and Wells Fargo. The invaluable insights enabled us to develop methodologies and tools that we bring to all our projects.
The results of this research are peer reviewed, are published in academic journals and have been presented at numerous information industry conferences in Australia and around the world.
The Status of Information Asset Management Report
Experience Matters is conducting ongoing quantitative research to build a picture of how information is being organised and managed across organisations. It will help answer questions relating to the impact of information management as an influencer on areas such as business risk, productivity, decision making, and staff morale.
We invite participation from everyone via our survey.
To participate contact us