The Leader’s Data Manifesto Launched

Data assets need data leaders.

James Price, Managing Director of Experience Matters, along with four other industry leaders in data management from the United States – Dr Tom Redman, Danette McGilvray, Kelle O’Neal and John Ladley – have launched The Leader’s Data Manifesto.  The Leader’s Data Manifesto was released on the 5th April at the DAMA Enterprise Data World Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. James is the only Australian involved in the creation of the manifesto confirming that his thought leadership is well respected in the world of data and information management globally.

The manifesto challenges preconceived notions of data management and outlines how an organisation’s best opportunity for organic growth lies in data and information. It raises awareness that information is a valuable asset and should be managed as such – in the same way that financial assets are managed. The Leader’s Data Manifesto also challenges the CEO and board members to find their competitive edge through better data and information management and by doing so, to leave an enduring legacy.

A full copy of The Leader’s Data Manifesto can be viewed here.

Signing The Leader’s Data Manifesto is a demonstration of your personal commitment to raising awareness of the need for best practice data and information management in your organisation. We hope the manifesto will empower you to build connections with business counterparts and mentor and teach others about the value of data and information management. We urge everyone to lead change by signing The Leader’s Data Manifesto.

For more information please visit

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