Asset Identification

Identifying what is of value from a huge volume of intangible assets can be overwhelming.

Having no formal record of your data, information and knowledge assets is like having no record of your financial, physical or human assets.

All information aligns with the business goals we are trying to achieve. This can change over time. So the value of the information used in an organisation will also change over time.

As a starting point, every organisation should have an Information Asset Register. This documents all the information that is considered to be of value and critical to the running of the business. An Information Asset Register, like any other asset register, forms part of your asset protection. You cannot protect something if you do not have an acurate record of what it is you need to protect.

Would you like to maximise the value of your information assets and reduce business risk?

This is not an area that is widely understood, so we are happy to help educate.

Contact us to find out what good information management should look like for your business.

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