Discovery & Project Justification
Buy in from your organisation is critical
For many organisations the starting point is to build a business case for an information management project. Information and its use is so fundamental that it is easily overlooked and taken for granted. Unless you can demonstrate the impact of a “death by a thousand cuts” scenario, it is all too easy to just maintain the status quo and see this as acceptable. It is not.
Be persuasive
Because the demand for resources exceeds supply in every organisation, your idea is competing against many other possible initiatives, projects, systems and solutions.
To succeed, you need to develop and present a highly persuasive business case.

Experience Matters can help you to:
- Consult within the business to gather data and stories on the current situation
- Determine the most appropriate content and style of business case
- Form a ‘Vision of the Future’
- Cost the purchase of the solution plus ongoing operating expenses
- Cost the steps in the project
- Specify and quantify the benefits
- Present the business case to decision-makers and seek input and acceptance
- Secure approval and budget
Experience Matters can do the research, prepare the required documentation, graphs and statistics and present a compelling business case to management.