Information Architecture
Creating information order needs a framework
An information architecture is a beautifully designed framework for the effective management of your information. You will never look back as people thank you for making their lives at work easier, as they overcome the frustration of not being able to find what they are looking for.
All assets have a framework by which they are structured and managed. For example;
- Financial Assets have a Chart of Accounts.
- Human Assets have an Organisation Chart.
- Physical Assets have an Asset Register.
We know that our data, information and knowledge constitute our most valuable business asset. So Information Assets should be treated the same way as our other business assets are, with their own framework. We call this an Information Architecture.
Information assets are only valuable if they can be found and used.
Otherwise they quickly become liabilities. Finding the information you need is easy when you know where it’s stored and what it’s called. The Information Architecture enables a place for everything and everything in its place. It is an Information Chart of Accounts. It enables a single source a truth; a single system of record. By enabling a single source of truth, Information Assets can be trusted. And that allows decisions to be confidently made, risk to be mitigated, business performance to be improved, and staff to be more professional and satisfied in their role.
Your Information Architecture is the foundation for the future.
No organisation knows more about the barriers to the effective management of data, information and knowledge than Experience Matters. The quotes, testimonials and publications on our home page are evidence of our thought and practice leadership. Our research has taught us how to build world’s best Information Asset management framework and Information Architectures are foundational to that. Or to put it the other way around, if you don’t know what your business does, and what data, information and knowledge supports the business, and where those Information Assets can be found, then you have information chaos and a sub-optimal operation.